Almost two-thirds of 50-64 year olds and 43 percent of those aged 65+ are now on Facebook, says a report published by NYDailyNews.com on August 6, 2013. This explains why you keep bumping into your senior family members on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, MySpace and other social networking sites. So, if you are looking for an appropriate wedding anniversary gift for parents, what could be better than giving them a chance to be in touch with their near and dear ones with just a swipe of a finger
People over 50 years are the fastest growing user group on Facebook, reveals another recent research by T Nef et al. (2013). “Reducing social isolation and loneliness and a strong willingness to be involved in their family life are among the most important motivators for seniors to go on social media also participation in communities, creating new social circles and establishing new relationships online make older people use social media,” the report adds.
Reasons Why Seniors Choose To Socialize Online
If you are looking for the ideal gifts for parents, what better option could there be other than easy-to-use technology that keeps them updated and in touch with friends and family? And you never know, they might even beat you with their interest in and knowledge of the social networking world!
- Need to re-connect with people from the past: Whether it is batch mates or the long lost friends and colleagues, reuniting with people who add meaning to your life can redefine happiness. And if your parents have been longing to reconnect with someone from the past, social networks could provide the most convenient platform to do so.
- Self help groups: Self help and support groups can work wonders on one’s mental and physical health. Sharing with people who have experienced the same problems as you can open many doors of healing. So, let this healing be your anniversary gifts for parents this year.
- Stay connected with family members: With towering ambitions and extremely demanding lifestyles, keeping in touch with the younger generation and other extended family members is a challenge that is conveniently handled via social media.
- Social gaming: The need for entertainment, challenge, laughter-riots brings seniors to social gaming websites and interesting apps like Words with Friends, Swiped, Teen Patti and more. With Pinig’s Senior Tab Plus, a wide variety of social gaming apps come preloaded and can be updated on a regular basis.
- Pursue any interest or hobby: It is time to gift back the interests your parents sacrificed in order to provide for the family through your growing years. They can explore photography, writing, reading, music, playing cards, painting and more with just a tap of the finger now with a customized tablet for seniors.
So, choose the most appropriate gift for parents that doesn’t need you to rob a bank to buy. Customized tablets at affordable prices, especially designed to meet the needs of seniors is what Pinig Tabs is offering.